dependable sweater

Valentine’s Day Feb. 14, 2016


My mind is trying to find an in on “dependable sweater”

Maybe she means one that doesn’t disappear for days

and not even apologize

One that never unravels when your parents are visiting

Too late now (RIP Mother and Daddy)

Maybe this sweater shows up at 8 when she says 8

and keeps you just as warm as the label indicates

Maybe she trims off a little fat with those

well-placed pockets and she never sags


Bring a sweater that stays quiet, doesn’t nag

or want to go when laying back is a better choice

but still sensible, demands dependably a walk even when

the temp drops and you’re still looking for wool socks.

She will hold her buttons faithfully.

The dependable sweater never confuses size

with purpose or style.

You can tie her arms around you and she won’t fall

or drag.


Yes, really. I already knowwhich sweater gets to go to West Concord

for the kids and g-kids

& the Arctic freeze, where frostbite threatens like horrid

parents of yore, to kill fingers or cut off toes.

I know it’s the thick pea green with the big fifties’

buttons that stay closed until you undo them with

intention. She’s a good sweater, that one, quite dependable,

like a good man, like my Valentine, he’s going with me too.

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